In light of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and as a mark of respect to the National Mourning period of the UK, it was decided at this morning’s scheduled committee meeting, that we should postpone the virtual conference until Friday 7th October 10.00 – 13.00. We feel that because of the exceptional circumstances, and with the nature of the virtual conference, it offers the flexibility to be rescheduled.
The Irish Sea Maritime Forum is pleased to announce we are holding a half day virtual conference: MSP in the Irish Sea: Where are we now? on.
The aim of the conference is to bring together stakeholders from across the Irish Sea and update them on the progress of national Marine Spatial Plans over the last two years. This is the first Irish Sea Maritime Forum event since our last conference in Cardiff January 2019 and we look forward to welcoming people from all around the Irish Sea.
More information including how to register for the event can be found in the flyer below: