Irish Sea Projects

Here you can find a list of projects that are of relevance to the Irish Sea. Although not directly associated with the Irish Sea Maritime Forum, these are projects which are of relevance to the region.

Coastal Communities Adapting Together (CCAT )

The CCAT project aims to support coastal communities in understanding climate change and how to adapt. The Irish Sea and its coastal communities are directly impacted by climate change. This project is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Ireland Wales Programme and will run from 2019 to 2021. It will focus on communities in Fingal in Ireland and Pembrokeshire in Wales. The project is led by University College Dublin in partnership with Fingal County Council and University College Cork in Ireland and Cardiff University, Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum and the Port of Milford Haven in Wales. CCAT will involve interactive games so that children and young people can understand how climate change is affecting their local area. Communities will be involved in collaborative planning for the future and other initiatives including a cross-border learning exchange programme, cross-border knowledge exchange workshops and creating learning resources for schools and adult education.
To find out more please visit the CCAT website

Wholescape Approach to Marine Management 

The Rivers Trust and the Coastal Partnerships Network are working together on a 16-month project, funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), to support a more an integrated and collaborative approach to the management of estuarine and coastal waters in England. The Wholescape Approach to Marine Management ‘WAMM’ project will help support a more collaborative approach between Coastal and Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) partnerships and, through training workshops and webinars, build knowledge and expertise across a range of issues.

A key aim of WAMM is that more holistic and collaborative project delivery, supported by a range of stakeholders and drawing upon a diverse range of funding sources, is realised. Morecambe Bay in North West England has been selected as the primary pilot study location within WAMM and the Morecambe Bay Coastal Partnership and the three CaBA Partnerships (led by Lune, South Cumbria and Wyre Rivers Trusts respectively) encompassing the Bay catchment have begun a programme of collaborative working with a focus upon plastics and their presence within the coastal and estuarine environment. WAMM will also develop a roadmap to collaborative working which will identify the means to overcome perceived barriers and identify the opportunities and benefits of a partnership approach.
The North West Coastal Forum is pleased to be assisting with regional co-ordination for WAMM.

To find out more please visit the Rivers Trust project website


SIMAtlantic aims to support the establishment and implementation of maritime spatial planning (MSP) in five European Atlantic countries: France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom. It is a two-year project co-funded by the European Union and implemented by partners representing academic institutions, marine planning authorities and scientific public bodies, who will work together to share knowledge and ultimately build long-lasting cooperation in MSP. The project will produce methodologies, practical guidance documents, communication tools and a catalogue of relevant information to assist the work of MSP authorities. These will be tested in specific pilot study areas. The work will culminate in an ‘Atlantic Vision’ – a roadmap for MSP in the European Atlantic marine region.

To find out more please visit the SIMAtlantic project website

UK Seas 

A WWF-lead project (funded in partnership with Sky Ocean Rescue) which focusses on two case study areas: the Outer Hebrides and North Devon. The project aims to help develop the right protection for seas in the UK to ensure a sustainable future for sea users including industry, communities and nature. This project will help share lessons across the UK and on an international level.

To find out more please visit the UK Seas project website.

Irish Sea Portal Pilot*

The ISPP aims to test the feasibility of a larger project for a platform for knowledge and information flow to promote growth in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors in the Irish Sea. The project focuses on broadening the understanding of shellfish life cycles and larval movement within the Irish Sea.

To found out more about the project please visit their website here.


Ecostructure is a project which aims to raise awareness of eco-engineering solutions for climate change adaptation in coastal areas. By incorporating societal and ecological benefits into coastal defence and renewable energy infrastructure, Ecostructure aims to achieve environmental, social and economic benefits coastal areas within Wales and Ireland, including the Irish Sea.
For more information you can visit their website here.


BlueFish, led by Bangor University, is a territorial cooperation project between Ireland and Wales, focussing on climate change, community engagement and cross-border cooperation in the Irish and Celtic Seas. Key areas of interest include addressing knowledge gaps with regards to the effects of climate change on commercial fisheries and shellfisheries, as well as the effects this will have on communities within the area.
For further information, please follow this link to their website.


Climate Heritage &a Environments of Reefs, Islands and Headlands or CHERISH aims to increase cross-border knowledge of the impact climate change will have on these environments and habitats. As climate change progresses, it increases the number of storm and extreme weather events which can have a significant impact on the culture heritage of these sites. By addressing knowledge and management gaps, this project will raise awareness of the impacts of climate change on local heritage as well as aim to train citizen scientists.

To find out more about CHERISH, please follow this link.


Acclimatize is a project that will bridge the knowledge gap regarding pollution in at-risk urban and rural bathing waters across Ireland and Wales. Through stakeholder engagement and cutting edge scientific techniques, the project will identify pollution streams and develop a strong evidence-base to widen knowledge on the impacts of climate change on Irish and Welsh coastal waters.

Click here to find out more about the project.


piSCES is a Smart Cluster Energy System for the fish processing industry. By using Smart grid technologies, it aims to reduce both cost and carbon footprint of Energy Networks used in the fish processing industry. This will be achieved by modelling fish processor’s energy network usage profile and optimising it against the wholesale energy market and energy generation that is available on-site. This will give fish processors who are usually based in remote port areas, a competitive advantage in the market they did not previously possess.

For more information please click here.

*These projects are part of Interreg and funded by the EU

SMILE project

Solway Marine Information, Learning and Environment is a project with the aim of updating the 1996 “State of the Solway Review”. By using innovative communication methods to gather a range of information from stakeholders across the estuary the project will help develop a better understanding of the local ecosystem.

To learn more, please follow this link.

Irish Sea Rim

isr-logoThe Irish Sea Rim has been initiated to explore the potential for growth, innovation & collaboration around the Irish Sea; encompassing 3 nation states, 6 countries, and a wealth of public and private sector linkages. The Irish Sea Rim can drive socio-economic growth across national boundaries and develop regional excellence through increased collaboration and an integrated network that cross-cuts sectors. The Irish Sea Rim will operate as an umbrella organisation and portal for regional programmes, investment and projects to over 18m people. With Energy a key sector, the Irish Sea Rim has the ability to develop as a regional economic counterbalance to London (centric-ness) that is often quoted as dominating UK politics and its economy.